
How do i use a ps4 controller on steam
How do i use a ps4 controller on steam

  • Shake your controller - you can even smack it against your hand. However, keep it calm and avoid any damage - our team is not responsible for any damage.
  • If your DualShock 4 work in the PlayStation menu but not when playing a game, try the following: How to fix a PS4 controller that doesn't work in games?
  • Test your PS4: launch the console in Safe mode, connect your controller with a USB cable, and press the PS button.
  • how do i use a ps4 controller on steam how do i use a ps4 controller on steam

    Reset your DualShock 4: there is a tiny hole on the back of the controller (near L2). Press and hold with a sim card opener (or with a similar item) for 5 seconds. You can then reconnect your controller.Test the USB cable - plug your controller into the console with another cable.If you are experiencing this problem, this may be due to a low battery level or an unsuccessful connection to the console. Here's what to do to fix this issue: How to fix a flashing white light on PS4 controller? Simply connect the controller using the USB cable provided and then turn on your PS4 and proceed with the pairing procedure. The next step is to once again pair your controller with your device.This should be enough to reset your controller. Using a paperclip, press and hold the Reset button for a few seconds.The Reset button is located in a tiny hole at the back of the controller near the L2 button.

    how do i use a ps4 controller on steam

  • PS4 controller not responding in safe mode.
  • PS4 controller not responding white light.

  • How do i use a ps4 controller on steam